Edit Game
English 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Call for help GOAL19
How many people were injured? GOAL 18
Ask your partner about an accident he / she witnessed or heard about. Try to find out about: when and where the accident occurred, who was involved, what the cause of the accident was, what damage or injuries there were.
LISTENING: The dispatcher will ______ with the caller until it gets there.
The dispatcher will stay on the line with the caller until it gets there.
LISTENING: __________ is on its way and should be there _________-.
An ambulance is on its way and should be there in a few minutes
LISTENING: She is ________ a little from a small ________ on her head, above her eye.
She is hurt a little from a small cut on her head, above her eye
lISTENING: She is _____, but she is _________.
She is breathing but she is bleeding
LISTENING: The victim ____________ and __________ .
The victim fell down the stairs and hit her head and she is unconcious.
Were the police interviewing witnesses? → Were the witnesses _________?
being interviewed by the police?
Which hospital are you taking him to? → Which hospital _____________?
is he being taken to?
A paramedic was examining Bert when I arrived. → Bert __________ when I arrived.
was being examined
They are towing away the cars. → The cars _______________.
are being towed
They are taking the accident victim to the hospital. → The accident victim _____ to the hospital.
is being taken
Are you two OK? You haven’t hurt ____, have you? A)yourself B)yourselves
We injured ____ carrying furniture up the stairs. A)ourselves B)yourselves
Oscar _____ while cooking dinner. A)bruised himself B)burned himself
B)burned himself
Cheryl slipped on the ice and hurt ____ arm. A)her B)herself
I cut ____ using the paper cutter in the office. A)myself B)me