Edit Game
English 4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It was an awful trip! Goal 13
Goal 12
Think of a description of something. Think about what it’s made of, its size, its weight, and so on. Then, describe your item to your partner. Can your partner guess what it is?
The food was extremely spicy. We ordered it. → The food _______.
The food that we ordered was spicy
The camera was stolen. I had it in my carry-on bag. → The camera __________.
The camera that I had in my carry on bag was stolen.
The car broke down. The Bennetts rented it. → The car _____
The car the Bennets rented broke down.
The passenger was very friendly. I spoke to her. → The passenger _____
The passenger who I spoke to was very friendly.
The hotel room was expensive. They booked it. → The hotel room _____
The hotel room they booked was expensive
They will deliver overnight_____ you pay for their express service. a)if b)unless
We can’t give you a refund ____ you have proof of purchase. a)if b)unless
How is shopping online ____ shopping in a store? a)different as b)different from
b)different from
I thought the paint I bought was ____ the old paint, but it wasn’t. a) the same color as b)the same color like
a) the same color as
The chairs we ordered are ___ the ones we have now. A) similar B) similar to
b) similar to
_______ are these bottles _____ ___ ?
what / made of
Is this watch made of silver or silver-colored ____?
The chair is covered with black ____
My desk at home _______ of wood
is made
These shelves are made of _____