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Ancient Rome

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What is Mars the god of?
Name 3 Roman gods
Minerva, Neptune, Mars, Venus
What is Venus the goddess of ?
How was Europe after the Roman Empire fell?
Dark Ages. Everyone was conquering each other.
Name two reasons why the Roman Empire fell.
too difficult to control a big land, barbaric invasions, oppressed groups started to grow
What was the role of the Roman Army?
Conquer land and maintain peace.
How was power organized in the Roman Empire?
All power belonged to the emperor and had advice from a council.
How was power organized in the Roman Republic?
There was no king, group of politicians voted and decided together.
What went first: Roman Empire, Roman Republic, Roman Monarchy
Give two examples of roman entertainment.
Musicians, dancers, actors, gladiators.
Who was the head of the Roman household?
The father.
What's the biggest meal of the day for the Romans?
The dinner.
Name three jobs in the ancient Rome.
Farmer, Soldier, Merchant, Craftsman, Teachers, Entertainers, Lawyers, Engineers and the Goverment.
What was the typical food in ancient Rome?
Bread, beans, fish, vegetables, cheese and dried fruit.
About what time in the day did the Romans start their dinner?
At 3 o'clock.
What animal rescued Romulus and Remus?
A wolf.
Which city did Romulus and Remus found?
They founded the city of Rome.
According to the map, what continents did the Roman Empire have a presence in?
Europe, Asia and Africa.
The Italian Peninsula is located in Europe. True or False?
The Italian Peninsula is not near the sea. True or False?
The Italian Peninsula is located in the center of the Mediterranean. True or False?
What was the most important city in the Roman civilization?
The Italian Peninsula is mainly located in Africa. True or False?
False, it's in Europe.
Were the Romans Polytheists or Monotheists?
Did the roman's children receive education?
Yes, they did.