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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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repair/Can/you/my /watch/?
Can you repair my watch?
Can/me/you/lend/some money/?
Can you lend me some money?
your/Can/bring/me /a cup /?
Can you bring me a cup?
you/Can/help/homework/me /my/with?
Can you help me with my homework?
Can you bring your camera?
Can you close the door, please!
Can you wait for me, please!
tidy/Can/you/your /room now,/please /?
Can you tidy your room, please?
you/Can /put/the butter/the/in /fridge/?
Can you put the butter in the fridge?
help/me/Can/you/in/kitchen /the /?
Can you help me in the kitchen?
you/Can/take/letter/this/to/post office?/the
Can you take this letter to the post office?
give/me /Can /you/the/newspaper/?
Can you give me the newspaper?
we/play/Can /in /garden /the/?
Can we play in the gardern?
you/Can /go/to/the /shops/for/me/?
Can you go to the shop for me?
Can /go/we/out /for /dinner ,/ Mum?
Can we go out for dinner, MUm?
wash /Can/the /car /you/ please /?
Can you wash the car please!
Can /curtains /the /open /you/?
Can you open the curtains?
turn down/you/television/please/Can/the/?
Can you turn down the TV, please!
you/turn off /the /Can /music /?
Can you turn off music?
you/Can/please/the /turn on /radio/?
Can you turn on the radio, please!