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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I go to the academy two times a week. This improve a lot my English.
I go to AN academy TWICE a week. This improveS my English A LOT.
When I had 7 years, I thought English was usseful to travel to other country.
When I WAS 7 / 7 YEARS OLD, I thought English was uSeful to travel to other countrIES.
The last year I learned English chatting in social media.
LAST YEAR I learned English chatting ON social media.
Somecing about me it's that I'd like to go is to New York because there're a lot of beautiful places.
SomeTHing about me IS that I'd like to go to New York because there ARE a lot of beautiful places.
i now how to play the violin and in my spare life i improve whit particular classes.
I Know how to play the violin and in my spare TIME I improve WITH PRIVATE LESSONS.
I like watch Youtube and the letters for sing.
I like WATCHING Youtube and the LYRICS TO sing.
And for improve my English, I practise speackings, writtings...
And TO improve my English, I practise speaKings, wriTings, AND SO ON.
Apart of that, a think I've improved last year was oral English.
Apart FROM that, a thinG I improved last year was oral English.
I gonna study abroad and I wanna to go to the EEUU
I'M GOING T study abroad and I WANT TO go to the USA
I'm good in english.
I'm good AT English.