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Past Perfect Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My family ____________(travel) since August.
My family had been traveling since August.
My mother ___________(study) to become a english teacher
My mother had been studying to become a english teacher
I ___________(go) to my grampa's farm every weekend
I had been going to my grampa's farm every weekend
My sister ___________(do) her home moving since yesterday.
My sister had been doing her home moving since yesterday.
My ex boyfriend ____________(text) me for we go back together.
My ex boyfriend had been texting me for we go back together.
My team _____________(do) the assignment for a long time, I hope we get great grades.
My team had been doing the assignment for a long time, I hope we get great grades.
Heiley is an athlete, she _____________(practice) every day for the competiton.
Heiley is an athlete, she had been practicing every day for the competiton.
The value of Bitcoins __________(go up) rapidly.
The value of Bitcoins had been going up rapidly.
He _____________(spend) his free time working on their house.
He had been spending his free time working on their house.
I woke up and looked at the clock. What?!I _____________(sleep) for ten hours.
I woke up and looked at the clock. What?!I had been sleeping for ten hours.
Jim was hungry. He _______________(walk) in the mountains for five hour without any food.
Jim was hungry. He had been walking in the mountains for five hour without any food.
I ________________(think) about her for the past two days. Why hadn't she called me ?
I have been thinking about her for the past two days. Why hadn't she called me ?
His eyes were red and he looked sad. I thought he ___________(cry).
His eyes were red and he looked sad. I thought he had been crying.
They _____________(spend) money as if they were milionaires, and now they were broke
They have been spending money as if they were milionaires, and now they were broke
Martha was tired. She ______________(work) all day without a break.
Martha was tired. She had been working all day without a break.