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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The ........ ........... plans where, when and how to sell a product.
Marketing director
Would you like a glass of.........?
What is this?
It´s a bulldog clip
We are in October 2022, but what day is it today?
Is it the tenth
Who is the person that sell products using strong communication skills and persuasive abilities
It´s the sales representative
It's very cold outside, put on a ........
Please, pass me the ............ I need to take out a staple.
Staple remover
Paul Jhon looks after the company's computers, he is the.......
Head of IT
It´s rainnig, dont´t forget your.....
Which is the place of Santino in the race?
Santino is in the fifth place.
Who is the person that recives you in the office?
It's the recepcionist.
What are this?
They're rubber bands
In which floor is the man who plays the guitar?
The man is on the third floor
What is this?
It's a Ring Binder
What is the beverage that The English people usually drink?
It's tea
In the office, Who is the director in charge of taking care of the employees?
It is the Human Resources Director.