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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Find the value of "x"
50 degree
Find the value of "x"
28 degree
A ________ is never ending pattern.
The given angle is 60 degree. Find it's supplementary angle.
120 degree
The sum of the measures of these two angles are _____. So these two angles are called _______
180 degree. supplementary angles.
Give some pair of supplementary angles.
1) 100 d &80 d 2)110 d & 70 etc
picture a is example for supplementary angle and picture b is for complementary angles.
no. a is for complementary angle and picture b is for supplementary angle
The car has to turn right angle . what is the supplementary angle for it?
90 degree
Say some pair of complementary angles. 
1)10 d and 80 d   2) 20 d and 70 d
These two angles are _______ angle. 1) complementary 2) supplementary
1) commplementary
The angle made by the man is 25 degree and it's complementary angle is 50 degree.
No. 65 degree
1) The angle of one corner of the triangle is 110 degree. 2) The angle of the other angle is 20 degree. Find complementary angle for question :2 and supplementary angle for question: 1
70 degree and 70 degree
The angle made by the fish line is 50 degree and the complementary angle is _____
40 degree
The sum of angles of two corners of the window is complementary angle. 
No. supplementary angle
The angle of one corner of the STOP board is 110 degree then find it's supplementary angle
70 degree
The sum of the measuers of two angles are 180 degree then the pair of angles are called ______
Supplementary angle