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Nigella's emergency brownies

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why has Nigella designed a 'miniature' brownie recipe?
To help people with portion control.
What does the word 'batch' mean?
The amount of something that you make.
Which type of sugar does she use?
brown sugar
Which ingredients do you need first?
butter and brown sugar
chocolate chips and walnuts
flour and cocoa
sugar and salt
True or false? You need a lot of vanilla.
What type of nuts does she add?
What equipment do you need?
tablespoon, pan, stirring spoon
whisk, tablespoon, pan
spatula, pan, whisk
grater, chopping board, pan
What does she put the brownie mixture into at the end?
A foil container
A pan
A tin
A lunchbox
How many tablespoons of flour do you need?
What does the word 'miniature' mean?
Very small
What adjective does Nigella use to describe the brownies?
What does the word 'emergency' mean?
Something that needs quick or immediate action.
Which of these is NOT an ingredient?
maple syrup