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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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work / be / they / hard, / If / successful. / will / they
If they work hard, they will be successful.
her. / louder, / hear / speaks / then / she / everyone / will / If
If she speaks louder, then everyone will hear her.
house, / money / cleans / he / from / he / will / If / get / parents. / the / his
If he cleans the house, he will get money from his parents.
you / score. / with / homework, / If / help / get / your / I / high / a / will / you
If I help you with your homework, you will get a high score.
time. / school, / arrive / to / use / you / will / you / If / car / the / on
If you use the car to school, you will arrive on time.
will / disappointed. / you / not / your / If / do / teacher / be / homework, / your / do
If you do not do your homework, your teacher will be disappointed.
eat / cream, / sick. / you / you / get / will / too / If / much / ice
If you eat too much ice cream, you will get sick.
go / you / If / learn / will / school, / many / you / to / things.
If you go to school, you will learn many things.
you / lunch, / will / you / be / not / eat / If / hungry.
If you eat lunch, you will not be hungry.
will / study / you / the / test, / you / a / If / get / for / score. / good
If you study for the test, you will get a good score.