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complex pattern of inheritance

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A woman who has blood type A positive has a daughter who is type O positive and a son who is type B negative . what is the genotype for the son?
A gene affecting neurological function ( nervous system ) is defective
Huntington’s disease
in which disease the gene that codes for a membrane protein is defective
cystic fibrosis
are used to infer genotypes from the observation of phenotypes
Inferring genotypes
The percentage of twins who both express a given trait is called
concordance rate
What is the genotype of no baldness female ?
in Epistasis , dark black color for Labrador retrievers represented by B and brown chocolate for b , if the phenotype is dark black , what possible genotypes are ?
BBEE or BbEE or BbEe
When does the process of dosage compensation or X-inactivation happen ?
at the early embryo
for the coat color of the rabbit , if the coat color is Himalayan , what possible genotypes could be ?
ChCh or Chc
B: dark black b : brown chocolate What is the phenotype of bbEe ?
What is the resulting offspring if man with colorblindness crossed with woman that has also colorblindness ?
XbXb XbY
What is the genotype of hemophilia male ?
both alleles are expressed in the heterozygous condition
Not all traits are determined by two alleles. Some forms of inheritance are determined by more than two alleles
multiple allele
is characterized by delayed clotting of the blood resulting an excessive bleeding
The X-chromosome that stops working is called
Barr body
states that a random distribution of alleles occurs during gamete formation.
independent assortment
Carries it carries a variety of genes that are necessary for the development of both females and males
X chromosome
Tay-Sachs is found on chromosome
is caused by absence of the gene that codes for the enzyme that breaks down of sugar