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Advanced English part 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20- _____________ caused certain diseases such as malaria was not known until the early 20 th century. a- That mosquitoes b- Mosquitoes c- Mosquitoes which
That mosquitoes
19- I don't think he will get _______ the shock in such a short period of time. a- out b- over c- away
18- Were she ten years younger , she ________ the beauty contest. a- would enter b- would have entered c- will enter
would enter
17- I think you shoud choose _______ color. This one is too dark. a- the other b- others c- another
16- ______ trying to make him change his mind. a- It's no use b- It's useless c-It's no hope
It's no use
15- COVID 19 is ________ that scientists are doing research to find a cure. a-so a serious disease b- such a serious disease c- a so serious disease
such a serious disease
14- Ou school doesn't break ______ until the beginning of December. a- in b- out c- off
13- Her husband treated her badly. I'm surprised she _________ it for so long. a- put up with b- put off c- put up
put up with
12- They are good friends, but in terms os sports, they are worlds ________. a- separate b- away c- apart
11-_________ I'm concerned , it's quite all right for you to leave early. a- As long as b- As far as c- As well as
As far as
10- People who work as hard as Bill Gates are few and far ________ a- away b- from c-between
between ( few and far between = rare)
9- We insist that a meeting ________ as soon as possible a- is held b- be held c- will be held
be held
8- __________ of the students in my class could solve the problem yesterday. a- None b- No c- Not much
7- _______ he does sometimes interests me a lot . a- How b- What c- What
6- The teacher as well as all the students _______ very excited about going camping next week. a- were b- was c- has been
5- I am ________ tired to think about that problem at the moment. a- nearly b- far too c- much more
far too
4- __________ you have watched, which film impresses you most? a- All of the films b- All of films c- Of all the films
Of all the films
3- I have never been windsurfing, but I'd love to have _______at it. a- a look b- a trial c- a taste
a trial
2- The house plants need _______ before noon. a- watering b- to water c- be watered
1- __________ more help. I can call my neigbhbor. a- Should I need b- I have needed c- I should need
Shoud I need