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English Plus Starter - Unit 5

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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early / my parents / wake / always / up
My parents always wake up early.
in bed / I / before / am / often / 9pm
I am often in bed before 9pm.
I go to the shopping centre every Saturday. = I usually / often / sometimes go to the shopping centre.
I sometimes go to the shopping centre.
My parents have lunch in a restaurant 3 days a week. = My parents usually / often / sometimes have lunch in a restaurant.
My parents often have lunch in a restaurant.
I study Portuguese 5 days a week. = I always / usually / often study Portuguese.
I usually study Portuguese.
I read magazines 0 days a week. = I never / sometimes / rarely read magazines.
I never read magazines.
I listen to music every day. = I always / often / usually listen to music.
I always listen to music.
cycling / my friends / often / weekend / go / at the /
My friends often go cycling at the weekend.
play / she / instruments / does / a lot of / ?
Does she play a lot of instruments?
usually / Lucas / is / late / for / class / the first
Lucas is usually late for the first class.
sometimes / they / tired / after school / are
They are sometimes tired after school.
you / take / how ofen / photos / do / ?
How often do you take photos?
Sundays / I / my friends / never / meet / on
I never meet my friends on Sundays.
rehearse / sometimes / garage / in the / they
They sometimes rehearse in the garage.
The musicians have to r___________ before the concert.
He composes a new song every week. He's very c___________.
Rock, pop, classical and electronic are different _______ of music.
Mark _____ martial arts on Satudays.
They _____ swimming every day.
I listen to music ______ the evenings.
She plays volleyball ____ Wednesdays.