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Prepare 5 Unit 2 ing forms

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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best thing / is / to do / with friends / hanging out / the
Hanging out with friends is the best thing to do.
often / is / useful / listening / other people's ideas / to
Listening to other people's ideas is often useful.
things / about / worrying / is / a waste of time
Worrying about things is a waste of time.
staying in touch / is / old friends / difficult / sometimes / with
Staying in touch with old friends is sometimes difficult.
friends / with / studying / fun / is
Studying with friends is fun.
football / good exercise / playing / is
Playing football is good exercise.
We would like to learn Chinese. (interested in)
We are interested in learning Chinese.
Some people find it difficult to remember new vocabulary. (bad at)
Some people are bad at remembering new vocabulary.
Rupert wants to go to Africa. (keen on)
Rupert is keen on going to Africa.
Keira plays video games all the time. (crazy about)
Keira is crazy about playing video games.
Nick doesn't want to play football any longer. (tired of)
Nick is tired of playing football.
Lisaa gets up early because she doesn't want to miss her bus. (afraid of)
Lisa gets up early because she is afraid of missing her bus.
James makes friends easily. (good at)
James is good at making friends.