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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Grandma Star / dirty shoes.
Grandma Star hates dirty shoes.
She / play the piano.
She doesn't like plying the piano.
the children/swim?
Do the children enjoy swimming?
I / eat onion.
I hate eating onion.
My sister / clean the house.
My sister doesn't like cleaning the house.
Do you love cooking?
They / walk in the park?
Do they enjoy walking in the park?
We / watch TV
We like watching TV.
Mr. Star / cook burgers.
Mr. Star loves cooking burgers.
Aunt May / play tennis.
Aunt May enjoys playing tennis.
Grandpa Star / wash his car.
Grandpa Star doesn't like washing his car.
Grandpa Star / wait.
Grandpa Star hates waiting.
Simon and Uncle Fred / play football?
Do Simon and Uncle Fred love playing football?
Aunt May / play chess?
Does Aunt May like playing chess?
Grandma / draw pictures?
Does Grandma enjoy drawing pictures?
Mr. Star / ride a horse?
Does Mr. Star loves riding a horse?
Grandpa / clean his shoes.
Grandpa hates cleaning his shoes.
Stella/read science book.
Stella enjoys reading science book.
Suzy/play with her dog.
Suzy loves playing with her dog.
He/read Lock and Key
He likes reading Lock and Key
Simon doesn't like cooking