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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The movie .......................(start) at 6
The movie starts at 6
She always .........................(clean) the house in the morning, but today she............................(sleep)
She always cleans the house in the morning, but today she. is sleeping
My brother is fed up with ..............................(play) video games
My brother is fed up with .palying video games
This house isn't big. It's........................(strong adjective of big)
This house isn't big. It's huge
This fish isn't bad. It's .........................(strong adjective of bad)
This fish isn't bad. It's awful
order: my usually sister is when gets home tired she
my sister is usually tired when she gets home
...........................(read) is my favourite activity
Reading is my favourite activity
Listend and ...................: Success. Can you .......................to me exercise 4 again, please?
Listen and repeat: Success Can you explain to me exercise 4 again, please?
When we............................(arrive) my grandparents.................................(wait) for us at the airport
When we arrived my grandparents were waiting for us at the airport
I think I ................................to Brazil for my Summer holidays
I think I'll travel to Brazil for my Summer holidays
My sister is keen.............sports. She does karate, goes cycling and plays tennnis
My sister is keen on sports. She does karate, goes cycling and plays tennnis
Electricity always ..........................in this part of the city (stop working- Phrasal verb)
Electricity always goes off in this part of the city
.....................................the volume, I'm trying to study (PHRASAL VERB)
Turn down the volume , I'm trying to study
She.....................................(have) when the lights...............................(go out)
She was having a shower when the lights went out
Complete: Look at the sky! It........................(rain)
Complete: Look at the sky! It........................(rain)