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CAE Reading and UoE part 1 & 2 practice
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Computer programming is certainly not my ______ of expertise.
People often find it difficult when someone in their own family tries to _____ them how to drive.
The lecturer _______ the class's attention to an error in the calculation.
The sales team ______ a very successful time at the exhibition.
I've got to ______ _ _______ about my research at a seminar next week.
give a presentation
Isn't it fair that they ______________ you for other people's mistakes.
lay the blame on
The hotel receptionist will ________ you how to get to the conference centre.
Jackie has got a good _____ as a PA to a successful novelist
_____ being an unexpectedly pleasant day, the students decided to read their books outside.
That's the car __________ owner I was just telling you about.
We closed the door very quietly ___________ wake the baby.
So as not to
You must fill in the form __________________ the instructions on the opposite page.
In accordance with
It was not _______ I got on the train that I realised I'd left my laptop at home.
Sally enjoys her work, _____ she doesn't get very much free time.
The new management team plans to bring ______ a number of changed in the company.
It was so noisy i nthe room that I couldn't make _____ what Jill was saying.
All the work will be done ____ volunteers.
A number of customers complained ______ the after sales service.