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Chapter 1 - Consumer Math - Earning Money

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: Working a Sunday shift is always time and a half pay.
False - for some jobs - but not all jobs. Ask your boss! :)
True or False: All jobs will give you a raise within the first 6 months.
True/False: As of today, Connecticut's minimum wage is $14 per hour.
Name a career that might earn a commission?
Real Estate Agent, Car sales person, Other Sales positions, Influencer/sponsorships, etc.
After deductions are subtracted from your paycheck, what is the money amount you take home called?
Net Pay
Name two deductions that might be taken out of your gross pay?
Federal income tax, State income tax, social security tax, medicare, health insurance, retirement investments, union dues
Turn the percent into a decimal: 2%
Turn the percent into a decimal: 47%
You earn a yearly salary of $53,750. How much will your weekly paychecks be (gross pay). Round to the nearest cent.
You earn $72,500 salary. What amount will your biweekly (gross) pay be? Round to the closest cent.
You receive your salary in biweekly paychecks. Over the course of the year, how many paychecks will you receive?
26 paychecks
You receive your salary in weekly paychecks, how many paychecks will you receive over the course of the year?
52 paychecks
Pamela, who drives a cab, is paid $150 per week (5 work days). She averages $80 per day in tips. About how much does she earn per week?
$550.00 for a 5 day week
Jon waits on tables and is paid $6.75 an hour. In a 40-hour period, he earned #310.50 in tips. What were his total earnings?
You earn minimum wage for your current job. ($14.00 per hour). If you worked 47 hours this week (each hour over 40 hours is time and a half rate), how much would you earn total this week (regular pay plus overtime pay)?
$560 regular wages + $147 over time = $707.00 total pay this week
Ms. Minto earned a time and a half rate of $22.50 per hour. She worked 4 hours of overtime this pay period. How much overtime pay will she earn?
Mr. Langston earned $17.50 per hour. What is his time and a half pay rate?
Robert worked 5 shifts this week. He worked a 4 hour shift, a 5 hour shift, a 7.5 hour shift, a 4 hour shift and a 6 hour shift. How many hours total did he work this week?
26.5 hours total
Jane clocked in at 9:00 AM. She takes her unpaid hour lunch from 11:30-12:30PM and clocks out for the day at 4:00 PM. How many hours total did she work that day?
6 hours total
If George clocked in at 8:00 AM. Takes his unpaid lunch break from 12:00-12:30 PM, and finishes his shift at 5:30 PM, how many hours did he work total that day?
9 hours total
Sue earns $25.75 per hour. Estimate her yearly gross wages using 2,000 hours worked for the year.
$51,500.00 gross wages for the year
John's hourly rate is $15.50. Estimate his yearly salary using 2,000 hours worked for the year.
$31,000 (gross wages) for the year
Frank is paid $19.50 per hour. He worked 37.5 hours this week. How much will his gross pay be for this pay period?
Judy's new job pays $15.75 per hour. This week she worked 24 hours. How much did she earn (gross pay) for this pay period?