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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There are buildings in China that are ______ (tall) any building in the USA
There are buildings in China that are taller than any building in the USA
F1 cars are _______ (slow) they were 10 years ago
F1 cars are slower that they were 10 years ago
India's population is _______ (big) China's
India's population is not as big as China's
Drivers under thirty are _______ (dangerous) drivers over sixty
Driver under thirty are much more dangerous than drivers over sixty
Cricket is ______ (popular) baseball
Cricket is more popular than baseball
The Statue of Liberty is _______ (high) the Eiffel Tower
The Statue of Liberty is not as high as the Eiffel Tower
England is _____ (wet) Holland
England is not as wet as Holland
Top basketball players are _______ (well paid) top footballers.
Top basketball players not as well paid as top footballers