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Comparartive and Superlative Adjectives

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Better and best are the a) superlative and comparative form of good or b) comparative and superlative form of good
What is the comparative and superlative form of bad?
worse, worst
Make shiny a comparative and boring a superlative.
shinier, the most boring
Before the test period at school, we get _________ homework so we can study more.
Going to the movies early in the morning costs __________ amount of money.
the least
On the dictation, Sarah made ________ mistakes out of the whole class. She only had one.
the fewest
There are ________  strawberries _____ raspberries on this  board. 
fewer, than
Those twin brothers look __________ but they are not identical.
Her hair is ___________ silk.
Kathy's car is _________ Kelly's. They both have a Honda.
Jim's favourite subject is English. Carol's favourite subject is maths.
Jim's favourite subject is different from Carol's.
Winter is ____________ (hot) summer so we don't need to drink as much water. (use as + adjective + as) 
not as hot as
A hammer is __________ (light) a feather. (use as + adjective+ as)
not as light as
Apples are __________ carrots because they grow on a tree and carrots grow in the ground.
different from
It's __________ (hygienic) to eat at home because you know your kitchen is clean.
more hygienic
2022 is __________ (good) 2021 in Hong Kong because quarantine has been lifted.
better than
Marla thinks peonies are _____________ (beautiful) a rose.
more beautiful than
Uncle John is ___________ (funny) in our family.
the funniest
ICC building is ___________ (tall) building in Hong Kong.
the tallest
Susan is ____________ (happy) in the whole class.
the happiest
Durian is ____________ (expensive) bananas.
more expensive than