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Make or do

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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change the sentence into the past tense:Has Tina got a cold?
Did Tina have a cold.
change the sentence into the past tense:We haven't got a house
We didn't have a house.
change the sentence into the past tense:David's got an exam.
David had an exam.
change the sentence into the past tense:Jim hasn't got any time.
Jim didn't have any time.
change the sentence into the past tense:Have you got a bike?
Did you have a bike?
change the sentence into the past tense: I've got a cat.
I had a cat
(--> question) : Paul has a sister.
Has Paul got a sister?
(--> negative): You have a test today.
You don't have a test today.
(--> question): We've got a problem.
Have we got a problem?
(--> question) Jim had a cold last week.
Did Jam have a cold last week?
change the statements into negatives: I've got a stamp.
I haven't got a stamp.
change the statement into question: Jane has got a new car.
Has Jane got a new car?
When you have _____ this exercise, try the next one.
Complete the sentences with a suitable form of MAKE of Do: Don't forget to _____ your homework before you go out
Complete the sentences with a suitable form of MAKE of Do: They _____ Harry an offer which he couldn't refuse
Complete the sentences with a suitable form of MAKE of Do: Are you going to _____ Michael a birthday cake?
Complete the sentences with a suitable form of MAKE of Do: Oh, dear, I think I've _____ a mistake.
Complete the sentences with a suitable form of MAKE of Do: My father ____ most of the cooking in our house.
Complete the sentences with a suitable form of MAKE of Do: Please don't ___ so much noise.
Complete the sentences with a suitable form of MAKE of Do: Wait a minute. I'm _____ my hair at the moment.