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Among the Hidden By: Margaret Haddix

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What word did Luke use to describe the Sports family house?
When Luke first went to the Sports Family house, how did he react to the locked door?
He tore the screen and went into the house uninvited
He rang the doorbell
He ran home
He called out to the kid inside
Why had the government made pets illegal?
Pets ate food that could be eaten by people
They spread disease
They are dangerous to children
Houses were too small for pets
How did Jen deal with the blood on the carpet from Luke’s cut?
She cut her arm on purpose to get more blood on the carpet
She cleaned it up herself
She left it so her mother would clean it
She asked her dad what to do
How did Luke learn to read?
His mother taught him at home
At school
With a special tutor
His brother taught him
What new idea from the books he was reading from Jen’s house did Luke tell his dad about?
Third children
How did the girl Luke finds in the Sports Family house deal with the alarm?
She called her dad to have the security company cancel the
She shut it off
She called the alarm company to tell them never mind
She ignored it
When Luke’s brother made fun of his baking bread and Luke teased him about poison in the bread, what suddenly occurred to Luke?
If his brother died, Luke could be normal
To teach his brother to bake
To ask his brother to switch bedrooms with him
To fight his brother
Before the trees were cut down, what did the boys do after homework and chores?
Played football, kickball, or spud in the backyard
Played basketball or softball in the front yard
Played in the barn
Played cards or checkers in the living room
When Jen and the other third children went to the rally, ________ (number) of them showed up and all of the children were _____________.
forty, shot/ killed
Jen was surprised to learn that Luke’s family ate ______________.
Jen is able to move around more freely than Luke because her father is a ____________________ and _____________________ people with money to keep her existence quiet.
lawyer, bribes
When Jen tackled Luke, he got her attention by saying, “______________ _______________.”
Population Police
Fill in the blank: The new housing development troubled Luke because they were cutting down the ____________ next to his house. This means that he would have to ___________ inside the house.
trees, stay
Does Jen ever go to Luke's house?
yes - to say good-bye before the rally.
What are Luke's brother's names?
Matthew and Mark
What is a "shadow child"?
A third child ( or being a child in the family after two other children)
Why did the government pass the population law?
The government passed this law because they were worried there wouldn't be enough food to feed the citizens.
According the Jen, what was the government trying to force everyone to be?
According to Jen, the government wanted every to be vegetarians because vegetable were easier to grow.
Why did some shadow children "go hungry"?
Some shadow children would go hungry because they didn't have food ration cards and their family didn't share food with them.
What did Luke think about the food Jen gave him?
He thought it was illegal
How did Jen learn about fingerprints?
He brother wanted to be a detective before and taught her how to do it.
What were the names of Jen's brothers?
Buellton (Bull) and Brownley (Brawn)
What signal is Jen and Luke use for their meetings?
Luke shined the light near his back door and Jen used a flashlight.
Did Jen have more of less freedom than Luke? Explain
Answers vary
What is a punishment of having a third child?
Answer vary
Why is 28 the magic number?
The number 28 is how many people live in the new neighborhood.
Name 2 or 3 risks Luke faces every time he goes outside.
Answers vary.
Why was Luke's father disappointed about the auction?
He was disappointed because everything was too expensive.
Why wasn't Luke excited to see and talk to his mom anymore?
He wasn't excited because his mom had a new job and she was always too tired.
How did Luke's father know that he had come downstairs on the day that the shades were down?
Luke's father knew he had been downstairs because he left the radio on.
Why did Luke's brothers fight about having him on their team when they played sports?
Luke's brothers fought because it is better to have two people on your team instead of just one.
Why does Luke's mom want to go work at the factory?
She want to help their father earn more money, so they family will not suffer from the loss of the pigs.
What did Luke's mom mean when she said the hogs were the family's bread and butter?
She meant that the hogs were the main way that the family earned money for the things they needed and they were also the food that they ate.
How did Luke's dad feel about getting rid of the hogs? Why?
Luke father was angry about getting rid of the hogs because now the family wouldn't have enough money for things.
Why couldn't Luke hear his family when they were talking to him during meal time?
He couldn't hear them because he had to sit on the stairs and it was too far away to listen carefully.
Vocabulary word: Expose
To make something easy to see, uncover something.
Vocabulary meaning: Tall and impressive
Vocabulary meaning: An animal that is smaller than average
Vocabulary word: Midst
In the middle of
Vocabulary meaning: A tool used to grab and turn nuts and bolts
Vocabulary meaning: The act of lending something to someone.
Vocabulary word: Topple
To fall slowly
"'Want anymore potatoes, Luke?' Mother offered that night at supper. 'Luke?' Her voice got more insistent. 'LUKE?' Luke jerked his attention back to his family... 'Er - no,' Luke said. 'No thanks. I've still got some.'"
Luke is obsessed with his thoughts
Mother is pushing at Luke to eat more; she thinks he is too
Mother is getting angry with Luke
Luke ignores his mother
Why doesn't Jen accept a fake ID?
She wants an ID with her real name and identity on it
She already has a shopping pass
Her father can only get one for a boy child
She gave it away to another girl in need
Why did Luke care so much that the woods were sold?
The trees were being cut down. He couldn't go outside or near a window anymore
Jen feels that she can get away with breaking rules because:
Her dad works for the Government and she is a Baron.
What is the biggest reason Luke goes to Jen's house for the first time?
To investigate whether there is a third child there or not.
What character traits describe Luke's dad?
Why did the family's taxes triple?
because the fancy houses made the land worth more money
because they sold their hogs
because they did not pay their last tax bill
The government told the Garner's to sell the hogs because...
the people in the new houses would not like pig smell
What group of people broke the population law the most often?
Government officials
Government officials
Poor people
How old is Luke?
12 years old
Luke is surprised that Jen offers him soda and chips because
they are illegal.
they are fattening.
her parents would know she had had a visitor.
her parents would smell them on her breath.
The government said they passed the Population Law because there was a shortage of
medical care.
How many people did Luke count everyday leaving and returning to their houses?
What does Luke call the new family that has a row of birdhouses in their backyard?
Birdbrain Family
Why are the new residents, that will be living next to Luke, called a special name?
they are rich
After Matthew asks how the family can possibly pay the property taxes, what does Mother announce that she has just received?
a work permit
What did Luke not do because it would be too loud?
vacuum the floor
What does Luke decide to do after his whole family leaves in a hurry in Chapter 8?
clean the kitchen and bake some bread
What do Matthew and Mark do while Mom is at work and Dad is fixing the machinery?
go to school
Who is the Author of "Among the Hidden"?
Margaret Haddix
What obstacle does Luke run into when he tries to meet Jen for the first time?
Her door is locked
What animals does Luke's family raise?
Which of the following privileges is NOT taken away from Luke?
Talking to his brothers
Eating meals with his family
Spending time in the main room of the house
Looking out of the windows
What does Jen call children like her and Luke?
Shadow children
Unknown thirds
The crippled triples
Which is NOT something mandated by the government?
Luke's brother have to go serve in the army.
Luke's parents have to sell their forest.
Luke's family has to sell their livestock.
Luke's family may only have two children.
What is Luke's last name?
Which is NOT a name Luke gives to the families that move in the new community?
The Book Family
The Birdbrain Family
The Gold Family
The Big Car Family
What is a big difference between Luke and Jen?
Jen is a member of a Baron family
Jen plays sports
Jen is 17
Jen goes to public school
Luke saw a face in the
Which house does Jennifer live in?
The sports family house
The bird family house
The gold family house
Who were the Population Police?
Inspectors looking for an illegal child
Took polls of every ones favorite color.
City police.
Not here