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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I switched on my computer (aby przeczytać nowe) emails.
to read new
(Co powinienem zrobić) about my annoying brother?
What should I do
It's OK. The train (jeszcze nie odjechał).
hasn't left yet
Our newest model (kosztuje mniej niż) you think.
costs less than
Do you know (ile to kosztuje)?
how much it is
There should be (kilka) olives in the jar.
some/ a few
(Ile składników) do we need?
How many ingredients
Would you like (coś do picia)?
something to drink
(Jest trochę) cottage cheese on the table.
There is some/ there is a little
We've got (za mało mleka).
too little milk
Why (byłeś nieobecny) last Friday
were you absent
(Czy chciałbyś pożyczyć) my camera for your school trip?
Would you like to borrow
(Wszyscy lubią) our little cat.
Everybody likes
My brother (nigdy nie ogląda) reality shows.
never watches
I fell off my bike while (jechałam rowerem) to school.
I was cycling
(Jeśli Mark nie przyjedzie) soon, we'll go witout him.
If Mark doesn't come/ arrive
I'm good at skiing but I'm (nie tak dobry jak) my brother.
not as good as
That's my (torba, nie twoja).
bag, not yours
These T-shirts (są takie tanie)!
are so cheap
(Nie było dużo) people at the concert.
There weren't many
What time (spotykasz się) John this afternoon?
are you meeting
These T-shirts (są takie tanie)! Come on. Stop (patrzeć na siebie) in the mirror and hurry up.
looking at yourself
(Co robiłaś) yesterday at 7 p.m.?
What were you doing
You're lucky that (nie musisz iść) to bed early.
you don't have to
I was embarrassed because (byłem ubrany w) jeans and everyone else had suits and ties on.
I was wearing/ I was dressed in
My sister (nienawidzi wstawać) early.
hates gettin up
In the summer (zamierzam pracować) at an animal shelter.
I'm going to work
This essay (nie jest wystarczająco długi).
isn't long enough
You should enter the competition - (być może wygrasz).
you may win /you might win
(Czy zdecydowałeś) what to wear to the party yet?
Have you decided
(Nigdy nie jesteśmy) bored at school.
We are never
Tomorrow I'll go for a walk (jeśli nie będzie padało).
if it doesn't rain
(Chcę poszukać) a summer job this year.
I want to look for/ I want to find
(Mojej mamie nie podobają się) my clothes.
My mum doesn't like
(Ona nie widziała nikogo) here since Friday.
She hasn't seen anybody
I can't concentrate because (jest za głośno) in here.
it's too loud
(Czy musimy zapłacić) for these tickets?
Do we have to pay
I haven't got a coat because (świeciło słońce) when I left home.
the sun was shining
We live (na czwartym piętrze) of a block of flats.
on the fourth floor
(Mój brat uwielbia śpiewać) in the shower.
My brother loves singing
(Uważam, że ) his last movie was awful.
I think (that)
What (szukasz)...? Your phone is on the table.
are you looking for
My parents (nie dają) me enough pocket money.
don't give
(Są dwa fotele) in the flat.
There are two armachairs