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How spider saved halloween

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is a jack-o-lantern?
cut out pumpkin
What is a disguise?
a costume
Why didn't spider have a costume?
everything made him look like himself
Did spider have a costume in the beginning of the story?
how did spider feel after saving halloween?
Who saved halloween?
what made the bullies afraid and run away?
They jumped out of the bushes
Where did ladybug, spider, and fly hide from the bullies?
the bushes
What were the bullies doing in the street?
spraying it with shaving cream
who did they see on their way home from Trick-or-Treating?
the bullies
What did they do after spider got into his costume?
What did he use for the stem?
green construction paper
What color did they paint spider?
What was spider's final costume?
What characters were the bullies?
What happened to the Jack-o-lantern on ladybugs porch?
The bullies hit them with baseball bats
what were some costumes that did not work for spider?
cowboy, dress up, clown, detective
What was ladybug's costume?
What was fly's costume?
santa or 7 dwarfs
What is the problem in the story?
spider was unable to disguise himself in a costume.
Who are the characters of the story?
spider, ladybug, and fly
who did spider see to help him create a costume?
ladybug and fly