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Past and Present revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Liz _________ (clean) the windows when I _______ (see) her.
Liz was cleaning the windows when I saw her.
Simon _________ (dance) when he __________ (fall) and __________ (break) his leg.
Simon was dancing when he fell and broke his leg.
Mr and Mrs Dean _______________ (not go) to Mexico tomorrow.
Mr and Mrs Dean aren't going to Mexico tomorrow.
Michael Burns is very rich. He ____________ ( own) a department store.
Michael Burns is very rich. He owns a department store.
They ________________________ (live) in Germany when they ________________________ (be) young.
They lived in Germany when they were young.
At 7pm yesterday, we ________________________ (listen) to music.
At 7pm yesterday, we were listening to music.
When I ________________________ (walk) into the room, everyone ________________________ (work).
When I walked into the room, everyone was working.
Susie ________________________ (watch) a film when she ________________________ (hear) the noise.
Susie was watching a film when she heard the noise.
(They / work) _________________________________ at the moment?
Are they working at the moment?
(You / play) _________________________________ tennis this Sunday?
Are you playing tennis this Sunday?
She (not / go) _________________________________ to the cinema very often.
She doesn't go to the cinema very often.
(You / come) _________________________________ to the cinema later?
Are you coming to the cinema later?
(He / eat) _________________________________ rice every day?
Does he eat rice every day?
(You / come) _________________________________ tonight?
Are you coming tonight?