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A4. Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say what you did last summer
Describe this gadget.
Student's own answer.
What sports are you good ... ?
The first Twitter message...(send) in 2006.
was sent
What topics do you like reading ... ?
What type of film is it?
Horror film
What type of film is it?
Frank is always smiling and he has a positive, optimistic attitude all the time. He's really u...
Kate is always angry and unhappy. She's quite s ...
The children are covered with mud because they ... ... ... in the garden for hours.
have been playing
They used to be friends but last year they ... ... over money and don't tak to each other anymore.
fell out
Which type of TV programme is it?
Reality show
What type of film is it?
Alexander Fleming is the man ... discovered penicillin.
I... (read) a book when you... (call) me.
was reading, called
She ... (surf) the net when her boss... (walk) into the office. He got really angry.
was surfing, walked
Nick never shares and he always thinks of himself first. He's very s...
Describe this gadget.
Student's own answer
Sam worked for the same company...he retired at the age of 70.
...I cooked, my husband watched TV.
2008 was the year ... the Olympic Games were held in Beijing.
... he was very tired, he studied for hours.
London is the city... I grew up
When I got to the cinema, the film...(start).
had started
Melina is a woman ... husband is the US President.