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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When do we have to put the comma in a conditional sentence?
When the conditional part (if) goes first.
Is the order of both parts of the sentence important?
No, it isn't
What's another way to write "If we don't go..."?
Unless we go
Is it correct to use "were" with the third person singular in the 2nd conditional?
Yes, it is.
If Julia had had some money, she would have bought the red dress. What type of Conditional is this?
3rd Conditional
If I won a million, I would travel around the world. What type of Conditional is this?
2nd Conditional
If Luke lends you money, will you take it?. What type of Conditional is this?
1st Conditional
If people don't eat and drink, they die. What type of Conditional is this?
Zero Conditional
What's the structure of 2nd Conditional?
If + Past Perfect Simple; Would/Could/Might have
What's the structure of 2nd Conditional?
If + Past Simple; Would
What's the structure of 1st Conditional?
If + Present Simple; will
What's the structure of Zero Conditional?
If + Present Simple; Present Simple
To talk about possible events in the past that did not happen we use...
3rd Conditional
To express future hopes we use...
2nd Conditional
To give advice we use...
2nd Conditional
To talk about hypothetical situations we use...
2nd Conditional
To talk about events that have a real posibility of happening we use...
1st Conditional
To talk about future actions we use...
1st Conditional
To talk about facts or general truths we use...
Zero Conditional