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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You've found the invisibility cloak. By wearing it, you can be invisible for three hours. What are you going to do?
Tell us about something embarrassing that happened to you. How did you deal with the situation?
If you were a scientist like Victor Frankenstein and could create a new human being to be your Mr/Ms right, what would this person be like?
Can you make some predictions about the future? Talk about education, science or politics, for instance.
Tell us about three things everybody should be able to do before dying.
Tell us about something you used to do in the past that you hate nowadays.
What is the most expensive thing you've ever bought? Would you buy it again?
Think about famous artists and celebrities. Who would you "CANCEL" and why?
You were elected as the mayor in your city. What would you change?
Talk about your family. How big is it? Who is the most annoying person and why?
Tell us about one of your guilty pleasures.
You've found a time machine and you can travel back in time to your childhood. Tell us what would be the first thing you'd do when you got there and why.
You are in a reality show. You must team up with three celebrities. Choose who is going to spend the next four months in a desert island with you and justify your strategy.
There will be a zombie apocalipse and you must hide to protect yourself. You can only take one item of food. What will it be? Justify your answer.
If you could live in a another place, where would it be and why?