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the space dog quiz

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Where did Dot and Robo Dog go ?
Dot and Robo Dog went to a random planet that was neaby
What was Devin's work ?
He was the caretaker of the castle
Who all did Dot meet in space ?
Robo Dog, Monet and Ron
Whom did Robo Dog and Dot meet when they returned back to earth ?
How many backdrops are used in this story ? Which backdrops are they ?
There are six backdrops used in this story and they are the moon, space city 1, galaxy,  space city 3, castle 4 and party
what are the characters used in scratch called ?
Whose birthday was it ?
Robo Dog
Who wanted to explore the moon ?
Who did Dot and Robo Dog meet on moon ?
What are the names of all the characters ?
Dot, Robo Dog and Monet