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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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F. 'Why does he make me do all of his homework? It's not fair. And he says if I don't do it, he'll make my life difficult.'
4. problems with classmates at school
E. 'I have this big assignment to complete and I don't know where to start. It's too difficult!
1. school pressures and frustrations
D. 'I feel worried when I have to wait for the bus in that neighbourhood after my evening class. It's so quiet and dark there.
3. unsafe living environment
C. 'I must get the highest score in this exam. I must be the best student in the class!
6. having too high expectations
B. 'I hate my voice. It's high one minute, low the next, then high again! What's the matter with it? AND the girls are making fun of me! I'm so embarrassed.
2. physical changes
A. I'll never be good at maths. I'm just too stupid!
5. negative feelings about themselves