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Present simple have and verb to be

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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12.-When we change an affirmative sentence into a question or negative form, has doesn't need to change.
False, yes change to have
11.- a/have/Elephants/memory./good
Elephants have a good memory.
10.- don´t/Dolphins/lips./have
Dolphins don´t have lips.
Do dogs have big brains?
8.- smart./animals/very/Some/are
Some animals are very smart.
7.- The hippopotamus a little animal. (Negative)
is not/ isn´t
6.- the elephants big? (Interrogative)
5.- The rhinoceroses long necks. (Negative)
don´t have
4.- the elephant have a long trunk? (Interrogative)
3.- The giraffe small bumps. (Affirmative)
2.- It a tiny horn on its nose. (Affirmative)
is/ It´s
1.- I a tall giraffe. (Negative)
am not/I´m not