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Going Places Game

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the word destinations mean?
where you want to go
Taxi or Uber fare depends on how far you travel. What does the word fare mean?
The money a passenger on public transportation has to pay.
Which word doesn't belong and why? commuter,passenger, traveler,pedestrian
Use the word "tip" in a sentence
When you order a cup of coffee the server asked if you want decaf. What does that mean?
They are asking if you want coffe without caffeine
On a menu you read "side orders" Give some examples.
fries, salad, vegetables,soup
Tell two meanings to the word "order"
In the military orders are given and you cna order food or shopping
A menu says "Carry out available" What does this mean
The restaurant has take out
A restaurant worker asks you if you want a beverage. What are the asking you?
If you want to order a drink
What word is used that means to call a head to save a table at a restaurant?
You make a reservation.
What restaurants have drive thru windowns
McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's
Add a word to go with three words ...stage,director,costume
List three movie ratings.
G general, PG parental guidance, R rated means restricted
Would a movie rated PG be suitable for a 7 year old? Why
Yes if they come with their parent.
Bargain day is Wednesday at the theatre because there is a double feature.Why is a double feature a bargain?
A double feature is a bargain because you get to see two movies for the price of one.