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U7 Midterm Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Present and past ability: (describe if you're or were able to do the following): sail a boat
Present and past ability: (describe if you're or were able to do the following): cook
Present and past ability: (describe if you're or were able to do the following): ride a bike
Present and past ability: (describe if you're or were able to do the following): speak a foreign language (not English) fluently
Present and past ability: (describe if you're or were able to do the following): remember ppl's birthdays
Present and past ability: (describe if you're or were able to do the following): get to sleep quickly
Present and past ability: (describe if you're or were able to do the following): play a musical instrument
Ask a classmate: what do you have a talent ____?
Ask a classmate: who do you have a lot in common _____?
Ask a classmate: who do you most depend ____ in your life?
Ask a classmate: anything/you/hopeless?
Is there anything you're hopeless at?
Ask a classmate: aptitude/computers?
Do you have an aptitude for computers?
Ask a classmate: know anyone/expert/___________?
Do you know anyone who is expert in....?
Ask a classmate: how often/focus on ________?
How often do you focus on ....?
Ask a classmate: work/hard/school?
Do you work hard at school?