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Starters - In the city

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three different types of clothes you might buy in a clothes shop.
Trousers, T-shirt, skirt, dress, jacket.
Name three fruits you might buy in a fruit shop.
Apple, melon, blackberry, orange
Who lives in a palace?
A King and Queen
What do you watch in a theatre?
A play.
Can you name a very famous palace in London.
Buckingham Palace.
What do you find in a gallery?
Paintings, art, sculptures.
Name three buildings you might find in a city
Skyscraper, stadium, church, museum, gallery.
Name two different sports you can watch in a stadium.
Football, basketball, ice hockey, rugby
Name three animals you can find in a zoo
Monkey, giraffe, penguin, hippo, elephant, parrot, lion
Name three things you might find in an aquarium.
Fish, dolphins, shark, jellyfish, turtles.
Name three things you can buy in a shop.
Fruit, vegetables, soap, clothes, chocolate.
Name two things you can find in a museum.
Dinosaur bones, fossils.
Name one word to describe a skyscraper