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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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School is just a nanny service. Discuss
Is religion good or bad? Why?
How is movement possible if when we shoot an arrow it goes through infinitie spaces in time
What do you think about Team Fortress 2
What do you think about CSGO
Why is water important for humanity?
Are boarding schools good for children?
Video games are good for your reflex. Discuss
Should classical monarchy return?
Anime mangas are good
Does it always rain in the UK?
Are zoos humane?
Does God exist? Why do you think so?
Are there too many work days?
Why do we need phones so much?
Cats are worse than dogs
Of course!
Books will not make you intelligent. Discuss.
How many hours should teenagers spend on their phone?
If a tortoise loses its shell, is it homeless or naked?
IOS or Android?
What is the best? Being the youngest, oldest or middle child? Why?
Reading a lot is bad for your mental health. Discuss
Reading books is fun. Discuss
Friends are supportive. Discuss
Having a dog is fun. Discuss
School is bad for mental health. Discuss
Having a sibling is bad. Discuss
Travel is fun. Discuss
Netflix is fun. Discuss
Computer games are bad for your mental health