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5INT - WRITING (13) - Revision

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It was foolish of me to get up so early. (NEED)
I NEEDN'T HAVE got up so early.
If the weather doesn’t improve, I’m not going out. (UNLESS)
I'm not going out UNLESS THE WEATHER GETS better.
The children are allowed to watch TV until 9 o’clock (LET).
Their parents LET THE CHILDREN/ THEM WATCH TV until 9 o'clock.
He has donated a lot of money to charity. (DONATION)
He has MADE A (BIG) DONATION to charity.
You’ll be punished for what you did (AWAY).
You WON'T GET AWAY WITH what you did.
Could you lend me your car tomorrow? (MIND)
Would you MIND LENDING ME YOUR CAR tomorrow?
I’d prefer to go to Madrid on holiday. (RATHER)
I WOULD RATHER GO to Madrid on holiday.
I don’t know why we went to the performance (WASTE).
Going to the performance was A WASTE OF time.
I'll lend you my laptop if you promise to take care of it. (LONG)
I'll lend you my laptop AS LONG AS you promise to take care of it.
The trip was too expensive for me. (ENOUGH)
I DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY to go on the trip.
"You stole my wallet, didn't you?" (ACCUSED)
She didn't answer the phone during dinner. (WHILE)
She didn't answer the phone WHILE SHE WAS HAVING dinner.
He doesn't usually fail his exams. (HARDLY)
He HARDLY FAILS his exams.
Who thought of that solution? (CAME)
Who CAME UP WITH that solution?
I didn’t understand his explanations. (WAS)
I didn’t know what IT/EVERYTHING WAS about.