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Strategies of politeness

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Which style usedritualistic communication where the speaker shares his views in a monotono.
Whish style is very private or non-public discourse?
When a person starts a conversation with a stranger is _____________ style
Joos also defined four differentiating factors that influence the use of language register
audience, topic, purpose ,location
What is register?
the way a speaker uses language differently in different circumstances.
What is external language?
All that happens among people in social context
Who are interlopers?
People who move to a new dialect area
What is tight community?
All members of one groyp interacting with each other
Why do some dialects have more prestige than others ?
Historical factors, dialect is colse to SL
Factors that contrubute to variation
Social situation,occupation,age,geography,education,gender,social class
What is Idolect?
The speech variety of an individual speaker
"That’s a nice haircut you got. Where did you get it?"
Positive politeness strategy - Notice, attend to Hearer (interests, wants, needs, goods)
"I don’t suppose you’d like to go to the movies with us."
Negative politeness strategy - Be pessimistic
"Hey, mate, can you lend me a dollar?"
Positive politeness strategy - Use in-group solidarity markers (honey, luv, mate, pal, buddy, bro, guys, cutie, fellas, etc)
"OK, let’s buy some food for dinner."
Positive politeness strategy - Include both S & H in the activity
"Parking on the double yellow line is illegal, so I’m going to give you a fine."
Negative politeness strategy - State the FTA as a general rule
"Poor Mai. I heard that the English final exam of your university - ULIS is very challenging."
Positive politeness strategy - Give sympathy to Hearer
It seems that we have to leave now."
Negative politeness strategy - Impersonalize S and H/ Hedging
What is negative face?
Negative Face refers to our right to independence of action and our need not to be imposed on by others
What is positive face?
Positive Face refers to our need to be accepted and liked by others and our need to feel that our social group shares common goals