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healthy habits and food

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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mention 3 types of junk food you like
burgers, hot dogs, soda, pastries, candies, sweets, ice cream...
take care of your skin is also important
use skin care
healthy habit that helps you wake up entirely
wash the face
mention 3 types of carbs
cereal, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, pastries
carrots, tomatoes, lettuce belong to...
fruit and vegetables
healthy habit
sleep at least 8 hours
Healthy habit. if we move is better.
Do exercise
person that don´t eat any animal product including dairy, and eggs
person that do not eat meat...
you must have 3 liters of this...
eggs belong to...
mention 3 types of meat
beef, pork, chicken, fish, turkey, lamb, deer...
nuts, oils, even avocado belongs to...
fats (good fats)
yogurt belongs to...
these are the healthiest of all groups
fruit and veggies
healthy habit
wear face mask
healthy habit
use hand sanitizer
healthy habit
wash your hands
healthy habit
brush your teeth
healthy habit
comb the hair
from which group are milk and cheese?
dairy products
Which food group you should eat less and under control?
fats & sugar
Which food group gives you energy but you should measure it.
cabs (carbohydrates)
healthy habit
take a shower
unscramble. nsvaitmi