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HSS - Q1 CFA Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is an entrepreneur?
Someone who runs or owns their own buisness.
Piaget's 1st stage (Sensorimotor) believes that toddlers communicate through language and symbols... True or False
False. Sensorimotor means babies exploring the world through their senses.
How many stages are in Erik Erikson's stages of psychosocial development?
What does Cognitive mean?
Thinking or learning.
Albert Bandura argued that people watch and imitate other's peoples behaviors. Who did his experiment involve?
Bobo the Doll
The repetition of behaviors when reinforced? (B.F. Skinner's Box)
Operant Conditioning
Humanist Psychologist that created the hierarchy of needs?
Abraham Maslow
In communication, the person who transmits a message to another person?
In communication, the person who accepts the message from the sender?
Recognized associations that are formed to unite people engaged in the same industry.
Professional Organizations
This is the process of adapting to another culture’s language, beliefs, and customs.
This is based on the idea that cultural identities should not be ignored, but instead should be maintained, valued, and respected.
What involves opinions formed without sufficient knowledge?
What are preconceived generalizations about certain groups of people?
Being knowledgeable about other cultures is called what?
Cultural Competence
What is a document that formally defines the moral principles that serve as rules for behavior, which are to be followed and upheld?
Code of Ethics
What is the highest degree a person can earn and would need to become a Substance Abuse Counselor?
Doctorate Degree
Which is earned after completing at least one year of study beyond a bachelor’s degree to become a school counselor?
Master’s Degree
Which is a four-year degree you would need to become a Credit Counselor?
Bachelor’s Degree
Which is a two-year degree you would need to become a Paramedic?
Associate’s Degree
Which broad employment category in the field of human services includes furniture designer and farmer?
Human Services in Food, Clothing, and Housing
Which broad employment category in the field of human services includes a hairdresser and a home care aid?
Personal Care Services
Which broad employment category in the field of human services includes childcare workers and teachers?
Early Childhood Development and Services
Which broad employment category in the field of human services includes a consumer advocate and a customer service representative?
Consumer Services
Which broad employment category in the field of human services includes a school counselor and a psychologist?
Counseling and Mental Health Services
Which broad employment category in the field of human services includes adult daycare workers and social workers?
Family and Community Services