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What is the island of Ireland called?
It's called the emerald island.
Since when has the Republic of Ireland been a member of the EU?
It has been a member of the EU since 1973.
Is Gaelic taught in the Republic of Ireland?
Yes, it is.
What did they achieve in 2007?
a peace agreement after peace talks
What religious groups are there in Ireland?
There are Catholics and Protestants.
What are the colours of the Irish flag?
They're green, white and orange.
Where is the province of Ulster located?
It's in Northern Ireland.
What tragedy was there in the 19th century?
There was the great famine.
What kind of food do the Irish eat a lot of?
They eat a lot of potatoes.
Which currency do they have in the Republic of Ireland?
They have the euro.
What country is Northern Ireland part of?
It's part of the UK (United Kingdom).
The Gaelic name of Ireand is ...
What are the two official languages in Ireland?
Gaelic (Irish) and English
Name some Irish national symbols.
the shamrock, the harp, Leprechaun,
Who is St. Patrick?
He's the patron saint of Ireland.
When is St. Patrick's Day?
It's on the 17th March.
About how many people live in the Republic of Ireland?
About 5 million
What's the capital city of Ireland?
It's Dublin.