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ALS 03 Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Let's get down to business right away-we'll stop for coffee later. -Let's go downstairs to do business, and then we drink coffee. -Let's start doing business now, and then we have a break. -Let's say no to that business right now.
Let's start doing business now, and then we have a break.
I think I'm coming down with a cold. -I think I'll be in bed because of a cold. -I think I'm recovering from a cold. -I think I'm getting a cold.
I think I'm getting a cold.
My girlfriend's story doesn't _________ with the video's version. (corresponding)
The government is trying to keep people at home using a controversial piece of __________ to stop the covid-19 spread. (legislate)
Scientists from UPC University reported that bacterias ________ in not clean areas. (accumulation)
You can reduce heart attack risk in your life by _________ junk food from your life. (eliminate)
Because of my girlfriend's advice, I have to fight my __________ to see other girls. (incline)
The interests of people and the government do not always ______ (coincidence)
A common marriage ________ is to tell your wife she's wrong. (erroneous)
The explosion of Nuclear bombs will have a ________ impact on the health of the planet. (drama)
You should consider talking with a health __________ about your diet and routines. (profession)
You must stop smoking. The risk of getting lung cancer ________ if you quit smoking. (diminish)
I think it could be flu. If symptoms _______ for more than a few days, you probably have coronavirus and you will die. (persistence)
Everyone is _________ of killing someone on self-defence. (capability)
A: I stayed in one of Trump's Hotels, the most exclusives around the world. B: _____________ expensive.
That must have been ...
A: I just don't understand this book about political science. B: _________________ to ask the teacher about it.
It's probably a good idea ...
A: The number of girlfriends you should have depend on your spending habits, and how much money you have. B: __________________ how many do you have?
Excuse me for asking, but ...
A: I think I've developed a terrible rash. I feel itchy and irritated. B: ____________, I'd go to the hospital to get ckecked.
If I were you ...
A: How do we get exposed to radiation? B: __________, but it seems that human exposure occurs when you're too much time on your cellphone.
I'm not quite sure...
A: ______________ the incredible memory of elephants, right? B: Yes, zoologists have reported them to have the longest memories in the animal kingdom.
You know about ...
A: I spent the weekend in Lunahuana. We had a 5-hour trip walking. B: _________ really tired.
You must be ...
A: Do you think animals show signs of intelligence? B: Well, __________ I've found that chimpanzees are very intelligent animals and form elaborate communities. For another, I learned that crows use tools as humans.
For one thing ...
A: ____________________ the brain cells? B: Are the ones who make you think.
What can you tell me about...
A: Bitcoins interest rates are variable, meaning that Everybody is free to set and change their incomes as they wish. B: __________ Where did you read that?
A: Sin Banderas is a global organization, founded to save poor children.___________ B: Yes, tell me more about that organization.
Are you following me?
A: I read in SOMOS Magazine that investors are way too optimistic about an economic rebound. B: _____________ that we didn't get the last SOMOS issue on time.
That reminds me ...