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Spongebob - PH goals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Spongebob feels...
1. Proud 2. Irritated 3. Hungry
Spongebob feels...
1. Angry 2. Hardworking 3. Sad
Squidward feels...
1. Athletic 2. Sleepy 3. Frustrated
Sandy feels...
1. Uncomfortable 2. Tired 3. Hungry
Patrick feels...
1. Tired 2. Sad 3. Happy
Spongebob feels SCARED, he should...
1. Ask for help 2. Run away 3. Fight the person
Spongebob feels SAD, he should...
1. Lay on the floor 2. Talk to someone 3. Stay in bed
Spongebob feels MAD, he should...
1. Run and hide 2. Walk away and take a break 3. Break a wall
Spongebob feels ANNOYED, he should...
1. Go take a break 2. Hit the person in the head 3. Throw his pencil
Spongebob feels SICK, he should...
1. Yell and scream 2. Throw his tissues 3. Rest his body