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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He ________________ (cook) for twelve hours.
has been cooking
She ________________________ (go) to the cinema every weekend for years.
has been going
They _______________________(learn) English for two years.
have been learning
I __________________ (study) all day.
have been studying
My cat __________________________ (sleep) all day
has been sleeping
I _________________________ (think) about quitting my job.
have been thinking
Tracy and Tom _________________________ (play) tennis for an hour.
have been playing
We _________________________ (drive) for two hours.
have been driving
It ________________________ (RAIN)for several days.
has been raining
The lights in that office building ________ on and off all evening. (GO)
have been going
Over the last month, I _______ hard for my next marathon. (TRAIN )
have been training 
Why are you eyes so red? ________ (YOU CRY)?
Have you been crying
I'm sorry I'm covered in mud - I __________ in the garden all morning. (WORK)
have been working
I __________ for over an hour and it's freezing! (WAIT)
have been waiting
He is completely exhausted. He __________ for a few hours. (CLIMB)
has been climbing
Jim __________ tennis since he was six. (PLAY)
havs been playing
My uncle __________ around USA for six months. (TRAVEL)
has been travelling
It __________ for many days. I wonder when it will stop raining. (RAIN)
has been raining