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European Day of Languages
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Where do the people speak the Cymraeg language - in Scotland, Wales or Ireland?
In Wales.
What language does the word "alphabet" come from?
Greek, from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet.
Which language has the largest number of long words - German, Bulgarian or Danish?
German. For example, Grundstücksverkehrsgenehmigungszuständigkeitsübertragungsverordnung
How many languages are spoken in London - 1, 50 or 300?
More than 300!
What was the first language to be printed - Greek, Russian or German?
It was German by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440.
How many languages are spoken all over the world - 2,000 or 6,000?
About 6,000 languages.
Which is the oldest language in Europe - Greek, German or Basque?
EUSKARA, the Basque language, is believed to be one of the oldest European languages. Its origins are unknown.
Which language has given most words to Mathematics, astronomy and biology?
Greek! In fact mathematics, astronomy, biology, geography, technology, philosphy, not to mention politics, democracy and many more common terms in Europe’s lang
How many official languages are there in Switzerland - 1, 2 or 4?
The four national languages of Switzerland are German, French, Italian, and Romansh.
Which language is older - English or Irish?
Irish is older than English. It was first written 2,000 years ago. Irish Gaelic is a Celtic language, having come from central Europe.
Which language do Europeans mainly use to communicate - Spanish, German, English?
Which language is more difficult to learn - English, Italian or Hungarian?
Hungarian which has the most difficult grammar and pronunciation.
What language has the most words - Russian, Greek or English?
English with 171, 476 words in a dictionairy
Which is the easiest language to learn - Norwegian, English or Greek?
Norwegian is the easiest language to speak for English speakers.
Which language has more native speakers - English, Russian or German?
Russian with 160,000,000 native speakers
How many Languages are spoken in European Union (EU) - 27, 50 or more than 200?
more than 200