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Italy- World Geography

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What are three famous foods in Italy?
Spaghetti, gelato, espresso, risotto, olives, pizza...
What do people do at the Trevi Fountain?
People make a wish at the TREVI FOUNTAIN.
What are two famous landmarks in Italy?
The Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Grand Canal..
What is the tallest mountain in Italy?
The tallest mountain in Italy is the MATTERHORN.
What three colors are the Italian flag?
The Italian flag is GREEN, WHITE and RED.
What is the capital city in Italy?
The capital city is ROME.
How do you say "Hello" in Italian?
Hello is "CIAO" in Italian!
What is the official language in Italy?
The official language in Italy is ITALIAN.
What continent is Italy in?
Italy is in EUROPE.