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science-our surrounding

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"rat eats rice in the field" what's key feature of living thing?
why is a dog a living thing? (a. can protect a house/ b. can make noise/ c. can reproduce)
c. can reproduce
which one is all non-living thing? (a.stone, tree,fish/ b. book,shoe,eraser)
b. book,shoe,eraser
which is man-made? (a. soil,rocks,mountains/ b.roads,bridges, refrigerators)
b.roads,bridges, refrigerators
We drink this and all animals and plants need it. (A.water B.shelter C.food D.sun)
This is an example of a non living moving thing. (A.natural B.living C.food D.cloud)
Plants don't need shelter but they need this. (A.change B.air C.living D.space)
A Plants and animals need this, we eat it. (A.food B.shelter C.cloud D.water)
Things are non living or… (A.living B.space C.sun D.change)
Plants need the light from the ________ to grow. (A.sun B.natural C.air D.water)
Living things grow and..... (A.shelter B.change C.natural D.sun)
We live here and all animals need this too (A.shelter B.water C.space D.air)
All animals and plants need this. We breathe it (A.water B.cloud C.air D.shelter)
non-living things can (eat/ cannot reproduce/ dead)
cannot reproduce
non-living things can (breathe/ grow/ do not breath/ reproduce)
do not breath