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Chủ đề 3 - Bài 4: Ch, Kh

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How to say "I have chives and pears." ?
Mẹ có hẹ và lê.
How to say "Grandma has pumpkin." ?
Bà có bí đỏ.
How to say "Aunt has red beans." ?
Dì có đỗ đỏ.
Pronounce one by one "Dates" in Vietnamese.
Ch - a - cha - HUYỀN - chà ; L - a - la - HUYỀN - là ; CHÀ LÀ
What is "Chà là" in English?
Pronounce one by one "Dried fish" in Vietnamese.
C - a - ca - SẮC - cá ; Kh - ô - khô ; CÁ KHÔ
What is "Cá khô" in English?
Dried fish
Pronounce one by one "Stew fish" in Vietnamese.
C - a - ca - SẮC - cá ; Kh - o - kho ; CÁ KHO
What is the dish "Cá kho" in English?
Stew fish (fish cook with sauce)
What is "Grilled chopped fish" in Vietnamese?
Chả cá
Pronounce one by one "Starfruit" in Vietnamese.
Kh - ê - khê - SẮC - khế, KHẾ
Pronounce one by one "Market" in Vietnamese.
Ch - ơ - chơ - NẶNG - chợ, CHỢ