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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He said that she was always looking our for friends. Translate.
Él dijo que ella siempre estaba cuidando a sus amigos.
He said that she had let him down. Translate
Él dijo que ella le había decepcionado
Él dijo que los amigos se apoyan (phrasal verb)
He said that friends back each other up
El se disculpó por cotillear sobre ella.
He apologised (to her) for gossiping about her.
El estuvo de acuerdo en que se habían distanciado
He agreed that they had fallen out / to have fallen out
El me prometió que dependía de mí
He promised that he depended on me/ to depend on me
He begged me not to be ashamed
Me suplicó que no estuviera avergonzado
She acknowledged that she had been late. Translate!
Reconoció que había llegado tarde.
Me convencieron (phrasal verb which starts with 'talk') para que fuera
They talked me into going
Los abogados animaron a las empleadas a pedir el mismo salario ( equal pay)
Lawyers encouraged the female employees to demand equal pay.
Mis padres me desaconsejaron (phrasal verb) que solicitara (apply) un trabajo allí
My parents warned me against applying for a job there
Yo quiero saber si él fue allí (past perfect)
I want to know if he had gone there
Me pregunto cuándo cambiará Paul
I wonder when Paul will change / is going to change
Me pregunto si todavía me quiere
I wonder if/whether she still loves me
Ella solía quejarse por tener muchos deberes
She used to complain about having much homework / that she had much homework
Insisto en compartir la comida
I insist on sharing the food
Me disculpo por no haber hecho los deberes
I apologise for not having done the homework
Te acuso de robar
I accuse you of stealing
La empresa afirma haber ofrecido una compensación
The company claims to have offered a compensation
Me ofreció trabajar con él
He offered me to work with him
Me animó a no tener miedo
He encouraged me not to be afraid
Me suplicó que no fuera
He begged me not to go / He begged me that I didn't go
El piensa que le mentiré
He thinks (that) I will lie to him
Ella me prometió que iría al cine
She promised me that she would go to the cinema / to go to the cinema
Él me advirtió que no debía fumar (warn)
He warned me that I musn't smoke / He warned me not to smoke
Ella me recomendó visitar al médico /suggest
She suggested me that I went to see the doctor's / seeing the doctor's.
El niega tener un hermano
He denies having a brother/ that he has a brother
Ella reconoció que no tenía dinero
She admitted not having any money /that she didn't have any money
I was wrong (she acknowledged...)
She acknowledged that she had been wrong