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JS8 - U45 - Day 14 Operation Migration

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Why did human caretakers have to dress as sandhill cranes?
Because hatchlings needed to avoid humans for their own protection.
What was the goal of Operation Migration?
To encourage a second migration flock of cranes to prevent disease.
What took over much of the cranes' wetland habitat?
New building and roads
Where did the sandhill cranes begin their migration? Where was their final destination?
They began in Wisconsin and landed in Florida.
TRUE OR FALSE: After the sandhill cranes' migration and landing, the crew will continue to monitor the cranes.
TRUE OR FALSE: All 13 of the sandhill cranes landed in the Florida refuge.
False (1 joined a different wild group and 1 died in the overnight holding pen)
TRUE OR FALSE: Operation Migration was the longest bird migration ever led by a human.
Why did the experiment take place on a calm day? How did it affect the cranes?
Because they had to follow the ultralight and flap their wings continually to stay  in the air.
TRUE OR FALSE: The plan was to be tested using plentiful sandhill cranes instead of the rare whooping cranes.
TRUE OR FALSE: The plan was for a second migratory flock to nest in Wisconsin and spend winter in Alabama.
False (...spend winter in Florida)
TRUE OR FALSE: The whooping crane was declared an endangered species.
TRUE OR FALSE: The whooping crane is found only in South America.
False (North America)