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Future tenses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I've decided that I ______ that dress. (buy)
'm going to buy
I _____ you if you don't listen to me! (help)
won't help
The flight to Paris ____ at six. (take off)
takes off
He _____ that toy by the end of the day. (break)
will have broken
They _____ dinner with Sam tonight. (have)
are having / are going to have
____ you _____ me with my homework? (help)
will / help
He's decided that he ______ to be a musician. (study)
is going to study
That's the phone ringing! I ______ it! (get)
'll get
School ______ by the time we get back from holiday. (start)
will have started
I ______ the doctor tomorrow at 6:00. (see)
'm seeing
Our train _____ at 5:15. (leave)
In fifty years, the pollution ______ (double).
will have doubled
I _____ you a sandwich if you're hungry. (buy)
'll buy
Look at the clouds! _____ snow.
It's going to
She ______ probably ______ later. (phone)
will / phone
She _______ (have) the baby by the end of the month.
will have had